w r i t i n g
Writing is everywhere. It's journalism, blog posts, marketing materials, reviews, rack cards, website content, social media content, and more.
Writing is also a key part of your communications and your brand: the quality must be exceptional, the style must be consistent, and the message must be clear and focused.
With over thirty passionate years of experience in copywriting; journalism and editorial; content and more, I can help you find and express your brand's voice.
Please have a look at some samples of my work in the links below. (Hover over any image to learn a bit more, and click to get the full details.) And then give me a shout to talk about your writing needs.

Meeting Peter Ling
Hey, if you like, you can sign up for my newsletter here
You want empathetic, non-icky, non-coercive
and accessible ways
to promote your good work and
connect with ideal clients,
so that you and everyone around you
feels good.
You want an ally,
a collaborator, a pal who knows
a lot about branding and marketing.

You want imperfection.
You want to work with me!

the imperfect brand coach
With decades of experience as a creative in advertising and marketing, I’m here to support and champion you, and to help you trust yourself with your business and brand development.
What's now? What's next? What's down the line? We'll figure it all out together. We often start by defining the biggest possible dream you can imagine for your business—
oh, way bigger than that!—so that every task in your day has purpose.
I’m atypical, trauma-informed and empathetic, and really enjoy clients who are working on projects that just might change the world. I encourage my clients to dream big, and I do the same.
I look for projects and ways to improve supports and resources for mental health, the environment, human rights, 2SLGBTQIA+ and BIPOC advocacy, and other social justice issues.

she, her/they, them

— Let's get started —
Go ahead and book a free Intro Call.
Let's have a chat about where you're at, and where you want to be.
And if part of what you need is figuring those things out—we've got this!