w r i t i n g
Writing is everywhere. It's journalism, blog posts, marketing materials, reviews, rack cards, website content, social media content, and more.
Writing is also a key part of your communications and your brand: the quality must be exceptional, the style must be consistent, and the message must be clear and focused.
With over thirty passionate years of experience in copywriting; journalism and editorial; content and more, I can help you find and express your brand's voice.
Please have a look at some samples of my work in the links below. (Hover over any image to learn a bit more, and click to get the full details.) And then give me a shout to talk about your writing needs.

Meeting Peter Ling
Hey, if you like, you can sign up for my newsletter here
I love to offer resources and support. There are so many lovely surprises in the world: little endeavours, links, ideas, knowledge, inspirations. I'm excited to share these ones with you.

Useful PDFs
The Indigenous Ally Kit
(from the Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network)
A Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion
(from Feminuity)
The Future Is Inclusive
(from Feminuity)
Imposter Syndrome Cheat Sheet
(from Andrea Hanson Coaching)
Practical tips to empower you during a medical appointment
(from Imperfect Conversation #1)
Useful links
(This is one of the most exciting docs I've seen in a long time.)
"Solutions to help you align good intentions with impact."
The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy
4 ways to make your workplace equitable for trans people
Google All-In: Inclusive Marketing resources
Accessibility Best Practices for Zoom Meetings
Resources to Learn More About Gender-Based Violence
Ableist words and terms to avoid