w r i t i n g
Writing is everywhere. It's journalism, blog posts, marketing materials, reviews, rack cards, website content, social media content, and more.
Writing is also a key part of your communications and your brand: the quality must be exceptional, the style must be consistent, and the message must be clear and focused.
With over thirty passionate years of experience in copywriting; journalism and editorial; content and more, I can help you find and express your brand's voice.
Please have a look at some samples of my work in the links below. (Hover over any image to learn a bit more, and click to get the full details.) And then give me a shout to talk about your writing needs.

Meeting Peter Ling
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b r a n d i n g
Branding is creating an identity for your business; defining and showing off its personality. Branding generates feelings, actions, emotions—for the customer, as well as for the business owners and employees.
Your main feeling about your brand should be joyous pride. And your customers should feel trust, connection, and inspiration. Let's chat about giving you branding that makes you feel proud and exhilarated!

The next level of the YUMery brand. Important to clarify that I am the Creative Director of YUMery, and as such have designed all elements from the logo on up. However, I did not build/programme the website—but worked closely with the team who did.

Business cards are one of my favourite parts of branding!

Branding carries through to all marketing elements.

Designed logo and all materials for Gathering Niagara event (which I also named, curated and ran) at Stratus Vineyards.

BOCO is my own line of homemade sauces. My labelling consists of green masking tape with Sharpie marker—hence this logo.

I designed this logo in 2000; the client loved it so much she still raves about it!

I worked with CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio to create the CBC Audio brand and all of its visual elements. Best. Project. Ever. And another opportunity to work with the then-unknown, just launching mega-talented illustrator Jacqui Oakley.

I worked with CBC Radio to create the CBC Audio brand and all of its visual elements. Best. Project. Ever.

I worked with CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio to create the CBC Audio brand and all of its visual elements. Best. Project. Ever.

3rd Stone Masonry is a classically-trained masonry company. We worked together to create branding that is strong, defined, clear, and solid—as well as approachable and even a bit whimsical.

3rd Stone Masonry is a classically-trained masonry company. We worked together to create branding that is strong, defined, clear, and solid—as well as approachable and even a bit whimsical.