w r i t i n g
Writing is everywhere. It's journalism, blog posts, marketing materials, reviews, rack cards, website content, social media content, and more.
Writing is also a key part of your communications and your brand: the quality must be exceptional, the style must be consistent, and the message must be clear and focused.
With over thirty passionate years of experience in copywriting; journalism and editorial; content and more, I can help you find and express your brand's voice.
Please have a look at some samples of my work in the links below. (Hover over any image to learn a bit more, and click to get the full details.) And then give me a shout to talk about your writing needs.

Meeting Peter Ling
Hey, if you like, you can sign up for my newsletter here
No conversation is perfect
Some are more complicated, challenging, demanding—and rewarding. That's the kind of conversation we're looking for here. We'll address complex subjects like,
"How can I be an ally without screwing it up?"
"How can—or even should—I write a Land Acknowledgement?"
"How, in an era of privacy, consent, and police interference, can I help someone who may be suicidal?"
and more.
Imperfect Conversations are led by relevant experts, professionals, masterminds and coaches, held via Zoom, and have an accessible fee structure (free to start, donations welcome). Sign up for email updates to find out more.
Transcripts of recorded conversations are available on request: email lauren@theimperfect.network.
Upcoming conversations, dates TBD:
What do you want to prove? Led by Coach Rachel Grant.
Tune in to what you're already looking for, and learn to shift your focus about yourself, others, or a situation.
Managing all the stages of menopause, led by Ashleigh Tobin
Do you have awkward questions? Things that aren't making sense to you? Ashleigh is the person to ask!
Empaths and narcissists—how to protect yourself, led by Debbie Hayes, the 'Queen of Clarity'
Are you an empath? Do you find yourself entangled with and occasionally overwhelmed by narcissists? The Queen of Clarity can help.

ImpCon #2
Grief: Changing the narrative
Identifying and making peace with your grief
Friday, August 19, 2022
12pm–1pm ET
Lauren O'Malley hosts an empowering, interactive conversation with Naomi D. Williams, MPH, CHES.
Participants are encouraged to join the conversation, camera on or off, via chat or live. Audio will be recorded for post-conversation access.
Many of us are familiar with the stages of grief—anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Most of us associate grief with death or another irretrievable loss. We don’t hear much about non-death events which might create grief, nor the tools to help us process our feelings. Join us for the next Imperfect Conversation and learn how to identify your grief, and jumpstart the process of learning how to ‘be’ with it. We’ll also talk about how to change the narrative, set boundaries, and create your personal standards for your grief journey.
For more about grief, have a look at my blog post, Good Grief.
Naomi D. Williams is perfectly imperfect person on a mission to empower individuals and families to live their best life, now. As a Life Doula, she helps people navigate and process major life altering events. Naomi believes anyone and everyone can and should lead an exceptional life. Naomi uses her experiences as a grief coach and yoga instructor to inform her work as an advocate and patient navigator.
ImpCon #1
‘Empowering trauma survivors and their families during medical appointments,’ or ‘How not to leave a doctor’s/dentist’s/radiologist’s office triggered and in tears.’
Thursday, June 30, 2022 12pm–1pm ET
Lauren O'Malley hosts an empowering, interactive conversation with Naomi D. Williams, MPH, CHES.
Lauren O'Malley hosts an empowering, interactive conversation with Naomi D. Williams, MPH, CHES. Participants are encouraged to join the conversation, camera on or off, via chat or live. Audio will be recorded for post-conversation access.
For more information about the 'Empowering trauma survivors in medical visits' conversation, please read my blog post.
Naomi is a class of 2000 graduate from Augusta State University, with a Bachelor’s in Health and Physical Education. After several years in the workforce and becoming a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), Naomi continued her education and became a 2008 alumnus of Walden University with a Master’s in Public Health. She is currently employed at a local hospital as a Family Support Coordinator.